Remedy Acupuncture Injury Rejuvenation and Pain Management
with Andy Alzamora in Salt Lake City

5-Element Discount


Remedy Acupuncture Injury Rejuvenation and Pain Management provides the 5 Element Discount to its patients only, for $35.00!

What is the 5 Element Discount?

  • After every 5 sessions – the next session, you pay only $35.00.

How does it work?

  • Remedy keeps count of each acupuncture appointment, so after every 5th session you automatically qualify for the 5 Element discount and your next visit will be $35.00 with full-service acupuncture treatment. You can buy one session at a time or if you buy packages, you can apply the discount for future services!

If I’ve been here before would my past sessions count towards my 5 Element Discount?

  • Yes! The 5 Element Discount honors all appointments that you’ve had in the past one time each. This means if you’ve been treated by Remedy Acupuncture Injury Rejuvenation and Pain Management in the past, then those past appointments will count towards your 5 Element Loyalty Discount allowing you to save!

Will I still be eligible for the 5 Element discount If I purchased a package of 10 or 20 acupuncture sessions?

  • Yes! The 5 Element discount will be effective after you complete your 10 or 20 purchased sessions.
    Example 1: If purchased 10 sessions; the next 2 sessions will be $35.00.
    Example 2: If purchased 20 sessions; the next 5 sessions will be $35.00.

What happens after I use the 5-Element Discount?

  • Once you use the 5-Element Discount, the regular price for acupuncture services returns to normal.  After another 5 sessions you once again qualify for the 5-Element discount.

Can I pass down my 5 Element Loyalty discount to someone I know?

  • No, sorry it can’t be passed down to a friend or relative because they will first need to go through an evaluation process to see if they qualify for acupuncture. The 5 Element Loyalty Card was designed as a Thank You for your loyalty and so you can continue to save as you heal!

How long does the 5-element discount last?

  • There is no expiration date, we just need to have a record of your past visits, if you were seen at Remedy Acupuncture I.R and P.M. 5 times, you automatically qualify for the 5-element discount.

I was seen at Remedy Acupuncture 12 times, but those sessions were covered by insurance, do I still qualify for the 5 Element discount?

  • Yes! Remedy Acupuncture I.R and P.M. counts each visit that you attend, since you were seen 12 times you automatically qualify for the 5-Element Discount not just once but twice, so the next 2 visits will be $35.00 each!

After I paid for 4 awesome acupuncture sessions, I referred 2 friends to get their own awesome acupuncture experience, so Remedy rewarded me with another free awesome acupuncture session. Can that free acupuncture session count towards the 5 Element discount?

  • Yes! Remedy thanks you for your loyalty and counts each session towards the 5 Element discount.